In a Post-COVID Era, Why Using a Travel Advisor Is Important

If you’re an avid traveler, we know you’re anxious to get back out into the wider world again. Perhaps you’ve used the past year of quarantine and physical distancing to pore over travel websites and guidebooks, adding to your bucket list. Now that the world is slowly opening back up again, it’s time to put those dreams into place – but it will take some careful planning, as well as flexibility and originality. You may want to consider more under-the-radar destinations instead of the crowded to-to spots. Or, you may be interested in small-group or independent, self-drive vacations as opposed to large cruises or big-group tours. If it’s overwhelming, that’s a natural feeling. And that’s where your relationship with an expert travel advisor comes in. 

Time is money and in a post-COVID era that is truer than ever. Who wants to arrive in a new destination only to be thwarted by having the wrong type of COVID test or facing an unexpected border closure? With an trustworthy travel advisor, these hiccups will be ironed out well ahead of your departure, leaving nothing to chance. And, should the unexpected arise, your advisor will be there to navigate the issue and advocate for you. 

As the world reopens its doors, COVID restrictions are constantly in flux. If you’re attempting to recreate an itinerary from before the pandemic, you may be facing changes you’d rather not make, but are necessary in the face of this new world. Your advisor can assist you in finding fantastic alternatives instead of disappointing stand-ins. Plus, they’re there to rearrange all the details, from car rentals to flights to tours to hotel accommodations. 

The rules of travel are changing every day and it is your experienced travel advisor’s job to keep informed of these policies and how they apply to your situation. On your own, you may end up incurring countless change and cancellation fees because you don’t know the ins and outs of the travel industry. With an advisor, you can avoid unnecessary expenses and missed opportunities during your vacation. 

Despite all the ups and downs of travel during a post-COVID era, one important fact remains: Your vacation should be memorable in the best possible way. Your travel advisor, too, is excited to curating an itinerary that meets all your needs and exceeds your expectations. They, too, have felt hemmed in by the pandemic and are looking forward to sharing the world with their clients once again. Harness their enthusiasm and expert knowledge – whether it’s small-ship cruising, family travel or a much-needed spa getaway – and allow them to create the best of the best for you, with every detail attended to and nothing overlooked. 

In a nutshell, here’s why you want to have a travel advisor in your back pocket when you start to travel again: 

  1. They’ll understand the destination you’re visiting and any regulations that apply. 
  2. They’ll prepare you for what to expect in your chosen destination, i.e. physical distancing protocols, cleanliness standards, curfews, border closures. 
  3. They’ll screen the hotels, cruise lines, restaurants, tour operators and every other company you’ll come in contact with on your trip. 
  4. They’ll be available to you 24/7 during your travels for questions, concerns or problems. 
  5. They’ll use their insider knowledge and local contacts to curate the most seamless and enjoyable experience for you. 
  6. They’ll get you home quickly and safely should any issues arise during your vacation. 
  7. They’ll navigate the new rules of travel, hold your hand throughout your trip and, if the worse happens, help you get a refund, if necessary. 
  8. And, perhaps most importantly, they’ll get you excited about travel again and plan the trip you’ve been dreaming of for, well, the entire pandemic. 

Ready to travel? Let’s chat. 


May 22, 2023

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